
Who may join the Order of the Amaranth?

All Master Masons in good standing within the Masonic Fraternity and their immediate female relatives of at least eighteen years of age or the immediate female relatives of at least eighteen years of age of deceased Master Masons who were in good standing with the fraternity at the time of their death.

Below is a complete list of female relatives who are eligible for membership:

Legally adopted daughters

Rainbow Girls are eligible at eighteen years of age, without Masonic affiliation, if they have belonged to the International Order of Rainbow for Girls for three years.

Any woman that is not a member of the International Order of Rainbow Girls, or related to a Master Mason can also petition for membership with the recommendation of two Master Masons. These masons will need to fill out a form, which they can receive from their court’s secretary.

To become a member you must submit a petition for membership to a court. The petition must be signed by two members of the Order and be accompanied by the appropriate petition fee. An Investigating Committee is assigned to visit you to verify your Masonic affiliation and answer any questions you may have. Your petition is then balloted on by the members of the court you are petitioning and, if the ballot is favorable, you may become a member of the court.

Each petitioner goes through an initiation. This is not a hazing. The initiation tells the story of the lessons of our Order, which include Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity. And upon the completion of the initiation you are entitled to full membership in the Order of the Amaranth.

If you meet the eligibility requirements for membership, please consider joining a Subordinate Court in your area. If you would like further information, please contact our Grand Secretary. She can provide you with a petition for membership and direct you to a Court near you!

If you are interested in receiving more information about The Order of the Amaranth, please visit the Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth website.

For information of the Amaranth Research Foundation, please visit the American Diabetes Association website.