Welcome to the
Grand Court of Pennsylvania
Order of the Amaranth

Congratulations to our newly installed Grand Royal Matron and Patron: HL Amy Baxter-Bellamy and SK Donald Bellamy! Check out the Itinerary page for a schedule of events for this year, and links to fliers.

Information for this year’s Amaranth Youth Scholarship can be found here!

This just in:
Amount donated in the 2023 – 2024 term for the Grand Court of Pennsylvania to the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation: $50,946.94!!!

The amount donated to the American Diabetes Foundation by Amaranth for the 2022 – 2023 term is…

2024 – 2025 Grand Court Officers

Click here to learn more about the Order of the Amaranth

If you are interested in making a contribution to the Amaranth Diabetes Charity, it may be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” (include a note as such) with a check written to “Grand Court of PA, O of A” with “ADF Charity Project” on the memo line and send to:

HL Miranda K. Peruso
Charity Project Chrm.

A downloadable copy of the charity form can be found here

You can also make an online donation using the link below:

* Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth
* American Diabetes Association
* Order of Rainbow for Girls
* International Order of Jobs Daughters
* Pennsylvania DeMolay
* Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania